Friday, March 26, 2010

Out and about...

So yesterday Kinsasa and I were out and about town at a couple different shops. I had very good intentions and put the camera in my bag. Well I was so excited to go to this new to me shop, that I forgot to take any pictures. Its that wonderful memory that I have, NOT!!! I was so disappointed that I forgot.

Well here is the scoop on the shop we went to, Chester County Quilting, here is the link It is a totally wonderful shop!!! While we were there Kins got some help finishing off her binding, the lady working (again that memory, I forgot to get her name) helped her out and made it so simple. She has the steps on the website to show how to finish off the binding in a totally easy way that hides the end and eliminate the bulk ( It was so easy once she showed us. So NICE and helpful!! They also have the best selection of Moda fabric charms packs around. There was a whole deep window area with rows and rows of them. I LOVE me some Moda charms!!! I did come home with one, only one. It was so hard choosing, I'd pick up one and carry it around awhile, put it back, pick up another, well you get the picture. It was very hard deciding which one to give a new home. I picked up some blue fabric to use for the handles on my MIL birthday present (which is what is on my table for today) So sorry that I forgot to take pictures, I'll try to do better next time, promise!! Over all Chester Co. is a wonderful little shop and a delightful place to go, check it out if you are ever in the area.

After lunch and brief stop at Wally World (Wal-Mart) I convinced Kins that we had enough time to stop at new little shop here in our hometown called "Remnantz"!! Wonderful shop!! Oh yeah I remembered to take pictures!! Go Me!!! The girls (Laurie and Cristine) and "Bruno" are wonderful!! They are just starting out, been opened about two months or so and are still building up their following and stock. They are on Facebook, . They also have an etsy shop for those of you that are not local,

They are so nice there, they have a wonderful selection of yarns. Now one thing I am not is a knitter nor can I crochet. It is something I have always envy in other people. I have tried, T can tell you she tried to teach me, but I just can't make my hands and mind work that way. My mother and Grandmother crocheted beautiful blankets, sweaters, and afghans, they are some of my treasures. But I just can't do it, but if I was a one I would be at this store fondling the yarns and going home with a bag full. Now I did fondle the yarn while I was there, the camel yarn was so soft. (BTW that Kins in the picture, see all the lovely yarn behind her) They also have a wonderful selection of Amy Butler fabrics. Some of that yardage went home with me to be made into some lovely bags.

They girls are so sweet there, they also have buttons and some vintage fabrics also. Laurie and Cristine are really, really nice and the shop is a wonderful asset to our community. I hope you girls are around for a long time. Thanks for letting me talk about you and share your shop here. So if you are in the area, go by and give Bruno a tickle under his chin, fondle some yarn, and take home some for your creative table. Have a wonderful day and I'm off to my table to do a little sewing today along with a little of that thing that called housework. See ya.

This is Bruno, isn't he adorable!!

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